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Jim Rome vs. David Stern

Recently, NBA Commissioner David Stern went on Jim Rome‘s daily sports talk show on CBS Sports Network, and had an intense exchange of words with the talk show host.

It all started when Rome asked, “I know that you appreciate a good conspiracy theory as much as the next guy, was the fix in for the lottery?”

“I have two answers for that. The simple easy one, no, the second, a statement, shame on you for asking.” Stern replied.

Rome then said that he thought that his job was to ask the questions the questions that people wanted to know the answers to.

“No, it’s ridiculous, but that’s OK,” Stern said.

Rome responded by saying that he did not think the question was ridiculous.

“Have you stopped beating your wife yet?” Stern responded.

Jim Rome, who has never had a history of spousal abuse, said that he didn’t feel that that was fair.

The exchange went back and forth for what seemed like forever until the show’s time limit expired and the call was cut off.

I personally find it hilarious that two people, who have based their lives around sports, would be on the air bickering back and forth like two college kids in a pick-up game of basketball. Jim Rome you expect things like this from because of his attitude and the way he projects himself. Stern on the other hand came off as being a spoiled brat who felt that he didn’t owe it to the fans to give an explanation for the Hornets winning the lottery after being bought by the NBA. Let’s see how this affects his legacy going forward.

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